SkinHappy Cares Blog

Skin Conditions and Treatments

Despite the fact that acne is extremely common, it is a very complicated disease. Untreated or inappropriately treated acne can persist for years or decades! Your acne treatment must be tailored to you and monitored closely by a dermatologist for responsiveness.

Microneedling comes with a tremendous amount of benefits for the skin. Some well-known benefits of microneedling are collagen induction, skin rejuvenation, scar repair, and so much more. It all depends on what skin condition and body area need treatment. Multiple body areas can be treated with microneedling, completely transforming the skin.

Keep it Simple, Silly! Stop overcomplicating your skincare routine and begin easily implementing a retinoid product into your everyday, morning or night regime. Learn about how retinoids and our revolutionary SkinHappy Solution Series can clear your skin of the complex and difficult disease that is acne.

About Skin Health

The pressures of looking older can contribute to psychological and social pressures, like feeling a loss of femininity, sexual identity, social power, and social visibility. Thankfully, aesthetic treatments have the ability to significantly improve your psychological well-being by mitigating the classic signs of aging. 

Skin Inflammation, be it from chronic sun exposure, acne, rosacea, eczema or other, releases a “chemical cocktail” that can damage collagen, elastic tissue, cells, DNA, and proper cellular function. STOP THE INFLAMM-AGING by preventing and repairing along the way!
Everyone needs sunscreen! Sun protection is for all ages, all genders, and all races. The damage from the sun can affect everyone, and the sun’s UV rays can cause premature aging, unwanted pigmentation, and skin cancer. Although we can do a lot with topical medications and products, premature aging from sun damage can take a long time to reverse or may not be reversible. Regular sunscreen use will help protect your skin from these factors.

From Our Patients

Hear from one of our patients, Chloe, to see how SkinHappy's Solution Serum Series helped clear her skin of acne. Visit our online clinic for more information!